Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Seperating Networks For the Greater Good of the Business

Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies (article from The Wall Street Journal)

This is one of those situations that can be prevented by keeping processing or manufacturing equipment hosted on protected networks. This is a practice that has been recommended to our customers for years. You can prevent issues like this from happening while still getting information flowing to corporate systems like ERP, LIMS, Historian systems, data warehousing or MES as needed. It just takes a good design, including the management framework, for it to provide the best of both worlds to companies: Security and Visibility, reached.
by: Juan Senquiz
image by: pascal.charest


  1. The grids that controls the manufacturing of goods or critical processes needs to be protected. A full integration of these grids with the business portion of the enterprise is like removing the vaults from the banks and using regular drawers to store the money. Supply chain integration is completely possible without exposing operation to higher risks. Look at what the war is moving toward now:;jsessionid=6CE28005ED5C67AA73059D9C1505EF6D.w5?a=408733&f=21&p=1

  2. Puerto Rico sites redirected in DNS attack - see:

  3. Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Coca-Cola were victims of DNS attack...computers are great...but we are always vulnerable - the human factor and adequate protection are key elements. See:
