Innovation is the key for the future, we need to be able to come up with new ideas and help our new generations to think out of the box. As part of this article we are including a robot that the creator's team called W.I.L.M.A who recently was developed as part of the Puerto Rico Polytechnic University Engineering Design class by a group of students including one of our own team Juan G. Senquiz. The idea was to introduce the students to the engineering design concepts and they came up with this version who won in their contest the first price in the design category because of their out of the box design. Lets hope this small group of students that also included Joanisel Santos, Hector Martir, Enrique Cintron, Orlando Salgado, Pedro Tejada, Jesus Cordero and Alejandro Suero continue on their quest of adding value to our island through the development of more innovative ideas.